I have categorized commands based on their usage so that its easy learn only commands which are required for a specific job role. We will focus mainly on "UNIX for ETL developer role" -
- UNIX Fundamentals
- Directory handling commands
- File handling Commands
- Text manipulation/processing Commands
- Process Handling Commands
- Space Handling Commands
- Miscellaneous Commands
Directory handling commands
- Viewing - pwd, ls
- Changing directory - cd
- Creating - mkdir
- Changing permission - chmod
- Remove - rmdir
File handling Commands
- Viewing - cat, view , more
- Changing - vi
- Creating - touch
- Changing permission - chmod
- Remove - rm
Text manipulation/processing Commands
- head
- tail
- cat
- cut
- paste
- join
- grep
- sed
- awk
- tr
- sort
- uniq
- wc
Process Handling Commands
- &
- nohup
- fg
- bg
- kill
- proctree
Space Handling Commands
- df
- du
- expr
- find
- chmod